COP 26主席聯合聲明
國際能源署(IEA)終於總結氣候變遷在於「總能源供應」—簡稱之「TES」(Total Energy
Supply),在2021年《旗艦報告》(Flagship Report 2021)中闡述總能源供應逐年遞增,看上去2050年「淨零排放」(NZE2050)無望,惟若能下定決心遞減「化石原料」的使用比例,同時提高「生物基」燃料的比重,總能源供應沒有減少的情況下,還能促進經濟成長—最重要的是在「S」—即「社會責任投資」(Social Responsibility Investment);IEA提出具體的投資數字是「每年5兆美元」。若沒有「投資」,等同空口說白話;若是朝NZE 2050的目標去投資,大家可以想像其商機之龐大。所以聯合國氣候高峰會(COP 26)日前的「主席聯合聲明」即反覆重申「投資」政策的重要性。
1997年COP 3在日本舉行時,各國領袖簽定了《京都議定書》(Kyoto Protocol),其目標是「將大氣中的『溫室氣體』含量穩定在一個適當的水準,以保證生態系統的平滑適應、食物的安全生產和經濟的可持續發展」;然而各個環保非政府組織認為過於籠統,又沒有約束力。於是2015年在法國舉行的COP 21簽定《巴黎協定》(Paris Agreement),訂定逐年減碳排放,在2050年將溫升控制在「1.5oC」;為達成目標,2017年12月在巴黎召開「一個星球高峰會」(One Planet Summit)上,八家中央銀行和監管機構建立了「綠色金融體系網絡」(Network of Green Financial System, NGFS),期望透過金融投資的手段來達成目標。
政府間氣候變化專門委員會(IPCC, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)預計到2100年,全球氣溫將升高「
今年(2021)聯合國氣候高峰會(COP 26)在英國舉行,聯盟主席夏爾瑪(Alok Sharma)與NGFS主席艾德森(Frank Elderson)在
COP 26主席聯合聲明:
時值《聯合國氣候變化框架公約》(UN Framework Convention on Climate
Change, UFCCC)第26屆締約方大會(COP 26)在英國格拉斯哥召開之際,我們,氣候行動財政部長聯盟的聯合主席,以及UNFCCC網絡的主席,中央銀行和綠色金融體系監管機構(NGFS)重申我們致力於動員我們的組織以實現《巴黎協定》的目標。
我們這兩個實體從一開始就認識到,實現《巴黎協定》的目標需要所有「締約方」(Parties)採取雄心勃勃的氣候行動,並且需要公共部門加強氣候參與和更廣泛的「經濟政策」協調。在此背景下,「財政部、中央銀行和金融監管機構」需要在各自職責範圍內採取行動,實施適當的經濟政策,促進「資金流動」(financial flows),在《巴黎協定》中「與實現『低溫室氣體排放』和氣候適應型發展的路徑相一致」。
為此,我們在「國家和國際」層面促進了財政部與中央銀行和監管機構之間的密切對話和合作行動。聯合活動和研討會使兩個組織的成員能夠討論、學習和確定合作領域。在過去的幾年裡,在「新冠病毒」(COVID-19)後「綠色復甦」 (Post-COVID Green Recovery) 的強勁背景下,我們推動了更好地重建和展望未來的想法,呼籲將氣候因素納入復甦計劃。我們還確定了「成員之間培訓和能力構建」的重要性,並期待在這些領域進行「合作」。
我們認識到在「關鍵優先領域」更密切合作的潛力,包括評估和分析氣候變化的「經濟和金融」影響(例如前瞻性情景分析和審慎壓力測試—NGFS設有五個機構由五個國家負責),以及對行為的影響,還有維護「經濟政策和金融」穩定。我們相信,與《巴黎協定》將全球平均升溫幅度限制在「1.5°C」的目標相一致的過渡,都在我們的集體行動範圍之內,前提是我們立即採取強有力的行動並實施精心設計的政策,共同創造實現「有序轉型」(an orderly transition)所需的「激勵措施」(the incentives)。
鑑於實現「淨零經濟」(Net-zero Economy)和氣候適應型經濟的緊迫性,我們將在各自的職責範圍內開展工作,以幫助「確保金融部門的準備和彈性」,並推動實體部門的變革。中央銀行、監管機構、財政部以及職能部門的行動可以在減輕氣候相關風險以「促進投資」(for enhanced investment),尤其是「私部門」(Private Sector—指民間企業)的投資方面發揮關鍵作用。我們認識到動員「私人資本的重要性」(the importance of private capital
我們承認,除了與「自然流失」(nature loss)直接相關的潛在重大經濟和金融影響外,全球氣候和「自然目標」(nature goals)密切相關,「生物多樣性」(biodiversity)和「生態系統服務」(ecosystem services)的喪失可能會破壞減緩和適應氣候變化的努力,同時加劇氣候風險。解決這些問題對於「成功過渡到淨零」(successful transition to net zero)至關重要。 保護和「恢復森林」和其他關鍵生態系統,以及過渡到實踐更可持續的農業和土地利用,可以幫助大幅「減少溫室氣體排放」並增加大氣碳的封存。在此背景下,我們將努力在我們的工作中更好地反映與「農業、森林和其他土地利用」相關的跨領域問題。
Chairs Joint COP 26 Statement
November 3, 2021 (Wed.)--
On the occasion of the 26th Conference of the Parties to the United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP26), we, the Co-Chairs of
the Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action (the Coalition), and the
Chair of the Network of Central Banks and Supervisors for Greening the
Financial System (NGFS), reaffirm our commitment to mobilizing our
organizations to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement.
Our two entities recognized from the start that achieving the goals
of the Paris Agreement requires ambitious climate actions from all Parties,
and, from the public sector, stepped-up climate engagements and broader
alignment of economic policies. Against this background, finance ministries,
central banks and financial supervisors need to take action within their
respective fields of responsibility to
implement appropriate economic policies and promote financial flows “consistent
with a pathway towards low greenhouse gas emissions and climate-resilient
development” as set out in the Paris Agreement.
To that end, we have fostered close dialogue and collaborative
action, at both national and international levels, between finance ministries
and the community of central banks and supervisors. Joint events and workshops
have enabled members from both organizations to discuss, learn, and identify
areas for collaboration. Over the past few years, we have pushed the idea of
building back better as well as looking forward, in the context of a robust
post-covid green recovery, calling for the incorporation of climate
considerations in recovery plans. We have also identified the importance of
training and capacity building among our members and look forward to
cooperating in these areas.
We recognize the potential to work together more closely on key
priority areas, including the assessment and analysis of the economic and
financial impacts of climate change (such as forward-looking scenario analyses
and prudential stress tests), as well as the implications for the conduct of
economic policy and the preservation of financial stability. We believe that a
transition consistent with the Paris Agreement goal of limiting average global
warming to 1.5°C is within our collective reach, provided we take strong action
without delay and implement well-designed policies that will together create
the incentives needed to enable an orderly transition.
Given the urgency to achieve net-zero and climate-resilient
economies, we will work within our respective fields of responsibility to help
ensure the readiness and resiliency of the financial sector and drive change in
the real sector. Action by central banks, supervisors, finance ministries, as
well as line ministries, can play a key role in mitigating climate-related
risks for enhanced investment, especially the
private sector. We recognize the importance of private
capital mobilization. Success hinges on our collective ability to
address climate change in a comprehensive manner through ambitious mitigation
efforts, investments in adaptation and resilience, and policy measures that
ensure a just, inclusive and equitable transition.
We acknowledge that beyond the potentially significant economic and
financial implications directly associated with nature loss, global climate and
nature goals are closely intertwined and the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem
services could undermine climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts,
while exacerbating climate risks. Addressing these issues will be critical for
a successful transition to net zero. Conserving
and restoring forests and other critical ecosystems, as well as transitioning
to more sustainable agricultural and land-use practices, can help substantially
reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase sequestering of atmospheric
carbon. Against this background, we will strive to better reflect cross-cutting
issues related to agriculture, forests and other land uses in our work.
Finally, we recognize that our strength is rooted in our diverse and
committed membership. We proudly chair global organizations comprised of low-,
middle- and high-income countries that all resolve to urgently scale-up efforts
to ensure a smooth transition toward a net-zero, climate-resilient and
nature-positive economy. We will continue to work closely together to raise
ambition and accelerate action.
美國發明專利(Linda Din Invention):
(Shopping System)
(K-Horn Science Inc.的由來)
https://pkoldstory.blogspot.com/2019/01/blog-post.html (郭立昌論醣烴之爭)
https://pklchealth.blogspot.com/2021/09/915.html (保護海馬體--Hippocapus)
(TES 倡議)
(愛迪生,Thomas Edison)
https://epforworld.blogspot.com/2021/11/1101.html (UN氣候峰會開鑼)
https://pkpreaching.blogspot.com/2021/11/1107.html (福特與大豆)